Okay, she promised she'd killed the bunny, but it had more lives than Darla.
It was evil. Though good. Evil yet good.
I've been ruminating on my remix story and I think I've got an angle.
And what is that? Or you can email me if you don't want to be public 'bout it.
I wish I could get on IM here at work, I want to mull potential plot lines over with someone. Amy's been very busy with real life and I'm never on at the same time she is.
e-mail me, connie.
SA, I'm going to rewrite 'Giles says Buffy's eulogy'; but I'm thinking of expanding it somewhat into the whole secret burial process. And, um, I'm toying with doing it from Willow's POV.
scared of music thread
Wuss. Try posting about Mingus there.
Yeah, they only talk about hyper-cool indie people I've never heard of.
Pfftt. You talked about soundtracks and had a discussion going.
I'm toying with doing it from Willow's POV.
Excuse me as I snerk quietly at this.
Hey now, I've got a quiet kind of mojo going here. You don't
to read it, you know.