Who doesn't know this feeling. I like it Plei. I wonder where it's going.
if I'm not careful, the last train to schmoopville
'Dirty Girls'
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Who doesn't know this feeling. I like it Plei. I wonder where it's going.
if I'm not careful, the last train to schmoopville
t grin See? Finished it. I guess insomnia is good for something. I edited it to make it pre-Sunnydale, thereby fixing any canon booboos.
Your insomnia (you and Plei) certainly brighten my night.
Ah, my insomnia is dedicated to you and all other Candians who work third shift.
t sniff Too kind.
I like very much, CaBil. The expressions on the main character's face are wonderful, especially the bit where she's casting a suspicious look at the pirated copies. I had a little trouble following what was happening in the last two pages about the combat--it may just be that I'm still something of a newbie in the fandom, especially when it comes to conventions. I'm guessing that Globbux made an escape during the art contest. Perhaps a caption at the top of the next to last page?
DDR is digital dance revolution. You have to keep up on with the dance pattern on a screen on a pad on the floor. A lot of cons have DDR contests nowadays in their video game rooms.
Ah. Now I get it. Thanks!
I couldn't access it at all, Bill. Sorry.
Allison, did I'm at work and it's slow (pouring (and freezing) rain), so if you wanted to send some frottage my way I'd be happy to receive it.