That was ... neat!
'War Stories'
Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
That was ... neat!
Big Rubber Satan needs love too.
I've wiped out all those who would dare to remove the last bottle of his favorite product from the shelves, and all to no avail.
still snerking from this...
the fruit of his large, unfaithful loins
I think I hurt myself.
A snippet from the V!Giles series, a quiet moment before the madness begins...
Joyce allowed Buffy to do most of the work for breakfast. Dawn appeared with her backpack, kissed her mother, and began eating quickly.
"Slow down, honey," Joyce said. "No one's going to take it away from you."
"Janice is going to stop by and we're walking to school. She'll be here any minute."
Buffy looked up from putting away the milk and frowned. "Willow and Tara walked you yesterday."
"Duh, they have class this morning, they don't have time to come down here and still make their class."
Buffy started to say something, then glanced at Joyce and frowned again.
"When are your classes, Buffy?" Joyce asked.
"Uh, well ..."
A loud knocking on the door distracted them all. Dawn snatched up an apple as she grabbed her backpack. "That'll be Janice. Bye, Mom, Buffy."
Buffy followed her to the door, making sure that it was indeed Janice at the door. A group of three girls waited for Dawn, all girls that Buffy had seen before. She waved Dawn on her way, reassured at least that the sneaky guys who worked for Glory probably weren't going to bother that many people in broad daylight.
Once Dawn and her friends were out of sight, Buffy went back to the kitchen. "So, Mom, you want anything else for breakfast?"
"No, that's OK. Don't you have class today?"
"Nope, I'm class-free." Buffy picked up Dawn's dishes and dumped the half-eaten eggs into the trash.
"But you didn't go to class yesterday, either. Won't your professors get angry?" Joyce saw the way Buffy wasn't looking at her. "Buffy?"
"I, um--I don't have any classes. I stopped going."
Joyce started to get to her feet, but her body wouldn't cooperate. "Buffy, you dropped out? Tell me you didn't drop out."
Buffy shrugged helplessly. "I didn't have time, I've had too many other things to do."
"Nothing is more important than your education."
Buffy turned and looked at her mother. "*You're* more important, Mom. Dawn's more important." She sighed. "And keeping the world from ending is more important. Kind of hard to concentrate on Cultural Trends in the Modern Novel when I'm trying to figure out what Glory's going to do next."
"But I thought that's what Giles--oh. That's right."
"Yeah. My support system kind of got gutted. It's--not been a good year."
Joyce took a deep breath. "Well, when we get everything straightened out, we'll get you signed back up and you can pick up where you left off. And the doctors said there were home nurses who could come in, you might be able to keep up with a couple of your classes--"
"I am not leaving you alone with some stranger! I can take care of you."
"I don't want to be a burden to you, Buffy." Joyce looked away, blinking quickly. "That's the last thing I want, to be a burden."
Buffy went to her side, crouching down to look her mother in the face. "I can take care of you. I want to take care of you."
Joyce saw lines on her daughter's face, lines of worry and fear and woe. With all the horrors in a Slayer's life, Joyce despised being yet another thing for Buffy to be troubled over.
Buffy took Joyce's hands. "I'm going to take care of you. It's not going to be some stranger, it's going to be me. I'm going to take care of you, and you're going to get better and stronger, and everything's going to be all right, and--"
Joyce leaned over to hug Buffy as hard as she could, cutting off her daughter's tears. "Yes. Everything's going to be all right."
... as if.
a) very nice
b) tease
Very nice, though.
lalalalala make 'em suffer lalalalala
Lovely, as always.