The flinty black cockles of my heart just vomited poisonous bile into my circulatory system.
Maybe I should come charm you.
Deck the halls with smiles of sara...tralalala lalalala.
HEY. The thing is, I do make an effort not to look like a glowering cloud of doom, since it will become apparent I am bent that way as soon as I open my mouth.
Though I do laugh.
Want to know something really scary?
There's someone here who calls me Sunshine (it's not creepy. It grew from a joke about how he only sees me outside when the sun is out.)
I think I'm less creeped out and more just thrown by the chat-speak.
A couple of articles on about shaving: [link] [link]
Huh. In'eresting....
Are electric razors faster than shaving with a blade? Sometimes I have trouble dragging my lazy ass out of bed on time, so I'll often end up skipping shaving....
Since today is sucking elephant balls, I have decided to ignore it.
Anyone else watching Top Design? How about last night's OC? Survivor?
I'm watching Top Design. I love Jonathan Adler. . . did you read his blog on the Bravo website? It's adorable.
h, and weird, I just saw Danny Bonaduce in the package store.
Isn’t he supposed to be on the wagon? Or did you mean like Mailboxes, etc.?
Tonight I subbed in as a board op at a large-ish downtown theatre. As the actors gathered before the house opened an actress said, "This one's for Anna."
I ushered at the theatre last night, and the house manager said “if anyone asks, this performance is in memory of Anna Nicole” and she almost said it with a straight face. Tomorrow, they are wearing all black and tacky jewelry.
I watched Survivor. I think it looks like a good season. I LOVE the Have v. Have-Not aspect.
Anyone else watching Top Design?
Yes! I don't really have a favorite yet but thought they were right to
get rid of John. What was he thinking not doing a floor AT ALL?!
I have to agree with what Jesse's says her ex would say, though, that they are decorating not designing, for the most part.
I love Jonathan Adler.
All the judges are great! And they seem to be eliminating people in the right order so far, so I'm happy.
Yay, for found doggie, and boo, on stuck-in-the-50s animal control people!!
Also, yay for tax refunds being direct deposited on schedule! I can now go to the optometrist's tomorrow morning and order my glasses, as well as get some other things taken care of.