the presence or absence of an observer is fundamentally important to the nature of an event? I think that throws a monkey wrench into your outlook on this matter, ita.
My understanding is that you cannot observe an event without changing it, and sometimes you can't know the state of an event in too much detail, but that doesn't mean that things aren't happening.
I'd like to thank whoever it was here (and I'm pretty sure it was here, why I don't know) who shared the trick of unclogging a toilet with boiling water.
Stupidass inefficient water saving toilets.
Wow. Co-worker just told me a teacher in the suburb where she lives sent home a note to the parents of the black children in her class, telling them she was going to school their kids in how to act right and to pull up their pants because it means you're getting it up the ass in prison, also please write the word SAGGIN backwards and know that's what I think of you and your children.
I mean she didn't use those words exactly (except for the part about writing the word backwards).
The assery. I hope her ass is fired but good.
Jesus christ, DJ. She at minimum should lose her certification for ever and ever and...jesus.
hivemind - weirdness in the belle house. I had a very tender thumb that felt really tight on the tip of the thumb and was throbbing and starting to get hot to the touch. Me being me, I (whitefonted for yuck)
took sume rubbing alcohol and a straight pin and poked it and sure enough yuck came out.
Now mac had the same thing. He will not let me near it and I think i have to take him to a dr., right? it's got to be an infection.
He is so wound up about going to a dr.
Seriously. I thought the burbs down here had moved on to hating the Hispanic people now, you know once they fled the black people. I also thought that at least stupid racist people had to hide the fact that they're stupid racist people, because it's not acceptable behavior anymore. Apparently, she felt free to type up her moronic asshole opinions and
send them home with children.
It's times like this I look around me and remember my favorite quote from Blazing Saddles "What did you expect? 'Welcome sonny,' 'Make yourself at home,' 'Marry my daughter.' You've got to remember, that these are just simple farmers, these are people of the land, the common clay of the new west. You know . . . morons."
DJ!!!! What?!? friend needs to get a copy ofthat note and that needs to go to lots and lots of press outlets all over the state and country. seriously. the media should descend upon that bitch like locusts and rip her to shreads.
msbelle, I wonder if something bit y'all and got infected.
The principal of the school is being interviewed on the evening news, from what I hear.
Can you get him to put his finger in hot water or be wrapped with a hot washcloth? Heat can help draw out the