bon bon, I can't get over your increased kitchen-usage! Why, I remember when all you had in your fridge was some pate.
I like nuts in general, but also have a slight almond allergy.
Has anyone figured out why people hate the word "Vagina" so much?
Because lady parts are dirty, duh.
I love walnuts. . . I even love black walnuts which have a stronger taste than English walnuts.
Did anyone watch BONES last night? I missed the credits, so was
the "Not!Girls Gone Wild" guy Alex Winter, and who played Booth's shrink? Because he sounded and looked a little like Stephen Fry, but he was quite a bit heavier than how I remember Fry.
Jessica, can I have your share of the hazelnuts? You can have my share of the Brazil nuts in return.
I'm sorry yours are not so well behaved, Lee.
Me too, though it means I get a second jammies day, so it's not all bad.
Frank, you're right on both counts.
Yes, the
shrink was Stephen Fry.
Isn't he tall? I mean,
I knew he was tall -- but man so much taller than DB! Also -- as I've said elsewhere -- who would have dreamed we'd ever see scenes with DB and Stephen Fry
Frank, you're right on both counts.
Really? BONES can get
Fry but HOUSE can't?
I've never seen DB have to look up at anybody before. So damned cool, seeing Fry. Now he needs to wander over to House!
The Girls Gone Wild story line was dumb, to my mind. And I do hope Sully doesn't hang around long.
I just discovered that the pecan farm in my hometown? Expanded into
And is a major industry player there. And apparently here, too. Somehow, I didn't know that .