"No, trust me... It's better if I just don't tell you."
Earlier it said -5.
Aaaaaand it's halftime. It'll probably be a bit before the Purple One is on.
Sumi, this time last year when my apt was too cold I slipped a copy of the municipal code and a record of dates, times and indoor temps under the landlord's door. Things got better after that.
Yay halftime! Perfect timing -- I just got off the phone.
OK, so what is wrong with the commercials this year? Half of them aren't new, and I've only seen about three that were more than averagely funny.
The GPS commercial was spectactularly bad.
The GPS commercial was spectactularly bad.
I think they were going for, "so bad it's funny."
I liked the Budweiser dog but it paled in comparison to former years' Budweiser ads.
Is there real lightning or is that an effect?
The rain on the lens is kinda distracting.
I like Prince's housewife-bringing-in-the-milk look.
Prince should really be playing Purple Rain!
And the sound is kind of. not. good.