Wow! Go you! The end is near!
Thesis = scary bane of my existance. I'm vaguely freaked about it.
Me too. I'm in the honors program, so I have to do a thesis. I'm in a thesis planning prep class right now, which I'm hoping is going to ease some of the freaking. Of course, I have an idea of what I want to do, which is more than some people, so I guess I'm on track.
Class in Hawaii! On a cruise! That would be awesome!
Well, I just shower and get going. Hope you have a good day! Good luck with the homework!
Thanks! have a good day yourself.
Kat, I do have to say that McSteamy
kind of broke me when Addison came out of the surgery and collapsed in his arms. And I'm enjoying how he seems to be better at playing the game than all the rest of them, even though everybody knows he's kind of a sleaze.
Feh on
Izzy. That All About Me schtick is getting way old, especially when it means she's fucking with Bailey and fucking up Callie.
ETA: Oh, and Alex
totally messing with Addison made me laugh.
And I have no idea if Dr. Mc Dreamy is going to drive now that he's a dad.
They already had one, maybe two kids, I'm pretty sure.
Timelies all!
Congrats Kat on the matched set!
About to head out for the minifest.
Timelies, all.
OK, today I have to grade papers, do laundry, and go grocery shopping. What order should this be in? Should I go to Trader Joe's or Safeway? Should I also try to go see the speaker from Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance who's speaking at the synagogue in Georgetown, or will that cut itno the time needed for doing work too much? Should I feel guilty about violating my "No school work on Shabbos" rule? Should I try to watch the end of Exodous before doing other stuff? (I started watching it last night, then realized that it's 3 1/2 hours long and I needed to go to bed.) Should I save the movie for a reward for after I finish the other stuff? What should I have for lunch? Should I keep reading the latest Daniel Silva book even though it's irritating me?
OK. Perhaps the first thing I should do is find coffee.
They already had one, maybe two kids, I'm pretty sure.
Hush. I only remembered that after posting last night.
So now that we've established that I'm an ignorant slut...
Eff Izzy. I mean seriously. I am SO OVER her not being able to feel anything for anyone else. Her moment with George was ok, but I didn't feel like she went there for him, but to make herself feel better and "do the right thing". Christina;s was much more honest and better.
Meredith broke me this week. (Ok, I get broken every week, what can I say?) I can't imagine having THAT mom. The whole "What happened to you??" just got to me.
Callie O'Malley? Seriously? Laughed really hard at that one. And WTF is Addison doing?
Why was mac up at 5?!!? so grouchy.