re: bank accounts
The head of my department came around and said "Have you checked your bank balance today?" and I thought, "Oh, crap, what have they done?" Then he handed me an envelope containing the amount of bonus that the company had decided to hand out as an apology for taking so long to get the bonus program into place. Let's just say that it amounts to a second paycheck.
I love my company.
Hacks have always been very, very benign.
Weeeeeell, I'm not sure lighting magnesium strips under the wheels of a Green Line car so it's welded to that tracks is all THAT benign, but for the most part, I agree. I was thinking it might have been a first step in a prank (like something that might not happen until the next Head of the Charles), but it's exactly the kind of joke that could get the joker Gitmo'ed.
Tom theorized it could be low budget terrorism- a way to disrupt without actual explosives and, um, death.
I forgot about that hack, Frank. But by and large, I don't think they'd be on this level.
Come on, people, more talking. I'm waiting on a training course that's loading about one percent every five seconds.
I do have questions about socks, if someone wants to talk clothes.
No alerts on the MBTA site for the North Station commuter trains, so x-fingers.
I can possibly answer any sock related questions you may have.
Dana, you need two.
Unless you are a) a guy and 2) play for the RHCP. Then you need 3 sometimes. And sometimes just the one.
Wool ones are itchy.
Come on, people, more talking.
That Mohinder sure is smoking hot. Oh, and insent.
Okay, so socks.
First of all, I have a pair of Mary Janes. First ones I've ever owned. If I am wearing them with either pants or jeans, what kinds/colors of socks am I allowed to wear under them?
Second, are there general rules for what color socks you can wear and how they have to match your outfit? Is it sort of a general complementary color rule? For years I got by with black socks and black shoes, but since I'm branching out into other colors, I suddenly feel a sock-related-knowledge deficiency.
I realize most of you have probably been dressing yourselves like adults for several years, but I somehow missed the course on socks.