Tonight's TDS guest is an astrophysicist, and he is one of the better guests I've ever seen on this show! Articulate, a perfect teacher in dumbing down complex concepts into simple explanations, and hilarious.
I just checked the listing, he's the host of NOVA ScienceNow.
How does he pronounce "billions"?
Mom's a computer programmer, and The Greatest Step-Dad Evah! is a pretty big gadget/gadget researcher, so they're pretty up on most stuff, but they have no idea what the kids are into- so when we showed them this You. Tube. thing-they were facinated. They've also (well, TGSDE anyway) discovered just how awesome Macs are.
How does he pronounce "billions"?
:: Cries a little inside ::
Should I quit my job over glue traps?
My parents have been mac people from the get go, due to my dad and his work. At the earlist point, macs (even the loading from a diskette macs) were superior to what they needed than MS. Dad intro'd me to the internet ( I wasn't impressed at the time! Hah. And yet they've met my internet friends before my uninternet grownup friends this winter!) Mom is learning PCs. There is lots of swearing and me figuring out the PC and the mac and the... for mom.
I suspect they'll never get iTunes. They bought me the gadget at my brother's specs...that's enough.
Crap. I should go to bed now.
Should I quit my job over glue traps?
I have no idea what that means.
Also, but only interesting to people who watch Dirt and did watch Popular
OMG Sam IS Garbo!
Mom has always been PC, TGSDE probably couldn't have cared less, but between me and his friend, he's come to love Macs. They're kinda useless to mom.
They're using glue traps at work. I think they're inhuman and so does (for one example) the San Fransisco SPCA. Unfortunately I live in Los Angeles.
What is a glue trap? Or, if it involves the SPCA, do I even want to know.
- signed,
Cries at the donate to the SPCA commercial. Every. Time.