My parents have been mac people from the get go, due to my dad and his work. At the earlist point, macs (even the loading from a diskette macs) were superior to what they needed than MS. Dad intro'd me to the internet ( I wasn't impressed at the time! Hah. And yet they've met my internet friends before my uninternet grownup friends this winter!) Mom is learning PCs. There is lots of swearing and me figuring out the PC and the mac and the... for mom.
I suspect they'll never get iTunes. They bought me the gadget at my brother's specs...that's enough.
Crap. I should go to bed now.
Should I quit my job over glue traps?
I have no idea what that means.
Also, but only interesting to people who watch Dirt and did watch Popular
OMG Sam IS Garbo!
Mom has always been PC, TGSDE probably couldn't have cared less, but between me and his friend, he's come to love Macs. They're kinda useless to mom.
They're using glue traps at work. I think they're inhuman and so does (for one example) the San Fransisco SPCA. Unfortunately I live in Los Angeles.
What is a glue trap? Or, if it involves the SPCA, do I even want to know.
- signed,
Cries at the donate to the SPCA commercial. Every. Time.
Grr. I just finished watching last night's Colbert Report and now I'm all aggrieved with our Tivo.
For no apparent reason, I've been really, really wanting to see "Demetri Martin: Person" (well, not no apparent reason so much as because he's kind of cute in a floopy barely-out-of-college way, plus his YiaYia appeared on TDS once to say what a nice boy he was, and I really miss my YiaYia and feel all misty toward people who still have theirs) for ages.
So I Tivo'd it once, long long ago, and what Tivo told me was going to be DM:P turned out to be a bulky magician who was not interesting and had no apparent YiaYia. So then I checked for future showings, and Tivo told me there were none. So then I scanned through all our saved TDS and Colberts until I saw an ad for DM:P, and then I told Tivo to tape whatever was on Comedy Central at that time -- and it turned out to be some other random comic and not DM:P.
Any other showings at all? I asked Tivo. Nope, never. And shut up and stop bugging me about that boring boy with his graphs and his floppy hair, Tivo snarled.
So what's on the end of last night's Colbert Report? The first 40 seconds of DM:P. MY TIVO IS MALICIOUSLY FUCKING WITH ME.
I have the most first worldest problem ever! I win!...something. Just not DM:P.
DJ, whitefonted in case you decide you don't want to know, which I wouldn't blame you for:
Glue trap: Big strip of sticky paper. Lay it down in nooks and crannies where mice like to travel. Retrieve paper after mouse has walked part way across and gotten stuck; toss paper in trash with either live, terrified mouse about to be smothered by all the other trash dumped on top of it, or desiccated mouse that got trapped and starved to death while you were too lazy to check the trap.
Glue traps are seriously evil.
I would have figured you guys were at least a somewhat social bunch.
Within, yes. To without--perhaps a bit impenetrable.
I made a student cry today. Or at least well with tears and then be bummed out for the rest of class. I think things are primarily resolved, but I can't promise it won't happen again. I seem to be some sort of lightning rod for these things.
I remember liking a song on NUMB3RS and having the lyrics googled and the song bought before they came back from commercial break.
We are living in the future, yo. I think that's cooler (and safer) than flying cars.
I said I did not want to have to deal with a stuck animal in the morning. My supervisor told me if I found one alive to turn the trap over the stomp on it.
Laga, unless you work for an exterminator (and even then) that's asking for a bit much.
DJ! I was staring at
and wondering where I'd seen her before. And then I kept forgetting to check the internet, ironically.
But sometimes the web brings information to you, and sometimes it helps you track it down.