I have a Kerry sticker and a few others. I have an ACLU and Equality (blue background with yellow equal sign) that I'll probably put up at some point.
There's a mix of conservative and lefty bumper stickers around here.
When I was in high school there were some First Amendment bumper stickers because someone (sheriff and state attorney I think) were trying to close up video rental stores that had porn -- which at that time was all of them, we didn't have a Blockbuster.
And when I was in middle school the state kept trying to push mandatory seat belt laws and a popular sticker was "I'll buckle up when Bundy does", refering to Ted Bundy and the fact he was still alive on death row and hadn't been strapped into the electric chair.
"I'll buckle up when Bundy does", refering to Ted Bundy and the fact he was still alive on death row and hadn't been strapped into the electric chair.
Those are two...odd positions to link together. "The state should be allowed to kill people, but by God they better not make me wear a seat belt!" But perhaps I'm asking too much for people to scan their bumper stickers for logical fallacies.
We don't have bumper stickers...too many Assholes with Guns.
It is black text in a white circle, like those trendoid location-abbreviation ones for MV (Marthat's Vineyard) or various vacation spots. Except it says READ.
I have one of those that says WOOF.
And it's on my laptop, not my car.
Next to a sticker of Batman.
It is black text in a white circle, like those trendoid location-abbreviation ones for MV (Marthat's Vineyard) or various vacation spots. Except it says READ.
We have one bumper sticker of this ilk, but it says "LT" for Long Trail Brewery.
In the window we still have several years' worth of expired Somerville parking permits (shut up!) and a couple of work permits so I can park here on campus.
That's it.
Pissing Calvin!
Well, mostly praying Calvin here.
Last week I saw a sticker that read:
Daisy I think the idea was more -- it's the law that Bundy be killed but he wasn't (Bundy stayed on death row for about a decade if I remember right) and so the government should be enforcing that one before they start enforcing law abiding citizens buckle up in their own cars.
Or something like that.
That Zeus one is funny.
There aren't that many Spanish bumper stickers around here other than the one for a Christian radio station and the one being riffed on above, telling you to read your bible.