Daisy I think the idea was more -- it's the law that Bundy be killed but he wasn't (Bundy stayed on death row for about a decade if I remember right) and so the government should be enforcing that one before they start enforcing law abiding citizens buckle up in their own cars.
Or something like that.
That Zeus one is funny.
There aren't that many Spanish bumper stickers around here other than the one for a Christian radio station and the one being riffed on above, telling you to read your bible.
Grand Prairie and Mesquite are the land of the Calvins in my area (pissing and praying). Here in the city, it's mostly political affiliated. In my neighborhood there's some older hippy stuff, maybe some Kinky for Governor closer to SMU. Plano, Frisco and much of the northern metro area- wouldn't be caught dead with bumper stickers, unless they're of the "my kid is smarter/better/goes to a snootier private school than yours" variety.
Ahahahaha! I would SO put that on my car!
Well, Troy did turn out to be a real place.
Daisy I think the idea was more -- it's the law that Bundy be killed but he wasn't (Bundy stayed on death row for about a decade if I remember right)
Well, he exhausted his appeals and was hoping to manipulate the government into giving him a stay of execution for details of his crimes, but he was executed on schedule.
Pete refuses to put bumper stickers on the car. Not even a Gothic Charm School Alumni Association one, drat him.
There are several variations on the vegetarian side which tend to imply you're half a notch from cannibalism if you eat meat.
If self-righteous in-your face vegans tasted as good as sirloin, I'd be willing to remove the half notch.