Does Hec not like cats? I have somehow missed this. Or does he only not like cats without short hair?
Hec is not fond of cats and is deathly allergic to them. But, mostly (and, Hec, correct me if I'm wrong), he is not fond of crazy cat people who go on and on about their furbabies. Which is why, of course, we do.
Does Hec not like cats? I have somehow missed this.
Have you
Hec? Taunting Hec about cats is half the fun of posting since Buffy went off the air.
I never did tell him that I cut my hair.
Does Hec not like cats? I have somehow missed this.
Hec is not fond of cats and is deathly allergic to them.
I like cats fine. I never go to Deb's house without petting some and even will stop on the street and butt scritch cats. I am very allergic to them though.
But, mostly (and, Hec, correct me if I'm wrong), he is not fond of crazy cat people who go on and on about their furbabies.
That is the case, yes. In fact the very word "furbabies" makes me taste vomit. Generally though I don't like it when people anthropomorphize animals and ascribe human attributes to them. That's seems disrespectful to me.
Which is why, of course, we do.
Yes they do.
I don't like people who ascribe human feelings to their pets. And neither do my cats. My dog thinks it's fine.
I don't like it when people anthropomorphize animals and ascribe human attributes to them.
My cat is writing his doctoral thesis on this.
It's the shortest it's been, though it still covers my neck in the back. Now some natural curl is coming out, so it just does what it wants.