Tep, you need to watch "Homicide". It totally has a suffering Timmy in it.
I have a habit of collecting emotionally stunted Tims with abandonment issues.
Fictional ones, I mean. I have several emotionally stunted uncle Tims whom I would cheerfully sell for a shiny nickel.
I don't think it was Vogue or REM, but who knows? It's a very vague impression buried in a very specific mundane memory.
I'm sure it was REM, "It's the end of the world as we know it." Similar kind of rapid-fire lists of stuff. Also, Leonard Bernstein!
Also, Leonard Bernstein!
In my second year of University, they used to play this at every Friday happy hour. The challenge was for the whole bar to yell out "Leonard Bernstein!" at the same time, which is quite difficult when you're all drunk.
I have a habit of collecting emotionally stunted Tims with abandonment issues.
Heh. My BF's name? Tim. No, *really.* It was inevitable, I suppose. Though he's much more Dick Grayson, in the nobody-should-be-that-bendy sense. Which is not actually a porny sense at all.
No way...have you done it in a cuffoon?
No way...have you done it in a cuffoon?
I don't even know what a cuffoon is. Hmmm. So I'll answer: maybe....
Holy shit! I just found out my raise this year is substantially more than I was expecting (like 3 to 4 times more). I'm speechless.
Yay, Frank! May all the year's surprises be that nice.