I have a habit of collecting emotionally stunted Tims with abandonment issues.
Heh. My BF's name? Tim. No, *really.* It was inevitable, I suppose. Though he's much more Dick Grayson, in the nobody-should-be-that-bendy sense. Which is not actually a porny sense at all.
No way...have you done it in a cuffoon?
No way...have you done it in a cuffoon?
I don't even know what a cuffoon is. Hmmm. So I'll answer: maybe....
Holy shit! I just found out my raise this year is substantially more than I was expecting (like 3 to 4 times more). I'm speechless.
Yay, Frank! May all the year's surprises be that nice.
Holy moley . . .
Frank, you inspired me to check my bank account to see if my check was in yet--especially because we're supposed to start getting bonuses every month . . . Yeah, a $200 bonus is a good thing.
2007, you're making yourself welcome.
I don't even know what a cuffoon is.
I think what erika is asking is if you've done it in a coffin, and did you call yourself Emma Zoole while doing so?