But! But! Colin posts here!
I know, but I've never actually posted with Colin, because I managed to miss Eureka, so I couldn't claim first hand contact. I never name drop, either. I've talked Firefly with this guy I don't know how many times, and never told him Tim has tried to kill my husband.
I wanted to flick his eyeball when I could tell he was stifling an eyeroll.
Jenna Fisher is MY GIRL -- Ellen Degeneres did a goofy Golden Globe thing, and she offered them Girl Scout cookies, and Jenna asked for Samoas! My favorite! I knew we were BFF.
samoas are the One True Girl Scout Cookie. i love how after Ellen said they weren't free JKras got the heck out of dodge.
that whole segment had me cracking up, actually.
I don't need an employer if I'm married to a Carpet Cleaner, and have a little something on the side with a Knight.
Have a child for warmth
and a baker for bread
and a prince for....whatever....
16 cds down...80something to go. And that's not counting the wishlist of songs. Urmph. OTOH, this means I'll listen to them more.
The Unit: Anyone else pretty
damned sure that Jeremy (Summer Glaus's character's boyfriend) is shark-gun-or-plane crash bait?
It's got all the right elements for
a Molly-soul-search thread...
16 cds down...80 something to go. And that's not counting the wishlist of songs. Urmph. OTOH, this means I'll listen to them more.
Of course, then you have to make the playlists.
Mmmmm...playlists. I'm a giant playlist floozy
Of course, then you have to make the playlists.
Oh hush, you!
and yes, I've already been thinking about that. But waiting until it's all at my fingertips, because I'm a completist like that. Sigh.
Honestly, I don't even have an iPod, and I love having all my music in the computer.