shrift, what does "goatse'd" mean? I'm afraid to read the article.
Oh, um, ha. Well. I'm actually loathe to tell you what it means if you don't already know, because it would be so very nice
to know, but you just can't un-know
Stay innocent, Cindy. Think of the children.
Cindy, Hec just gave you pretty much the rundown. It's a graphic picture of... ack, I can't even bring myself to describe it. It's become rather renowned on teh intarwebs as a picture to gross out your friends.
Even now the image is burned onto my retina. (FTR, shrift's link upthread doesn't have pictures attached, so you could read about it, textily, without the lifetime of scarring.)
non-describey x-post!
Every single time goatse gets mentioned, I look it up. Because I completely blank it outbetween mentions.
Sophia, I didn't think that was possible. needs the option to Block all posts referencing goatse.
Um, for the children.
In brief, Cindy, it is the practice of mislabeling a link on purpose to lead people to a picture of a man spreading his butthole. It's a prank.
Speaking of men's nasty bits, here's the Sacha acceptance speech (which totally killed):
In making this movie I saw parts of America that were quite beautiful. I saw parts of America that were ugly. And I saw parts that rarely sees the light of day. I refer, of course, to the anus and testicles of my co-star, Kenneth Davitian. When I was in that scene and stared down at your two wrinkled Golden Globes that lay on my chin ... I thought to myself ... I better win a bloody award for this. And then when my 300lb costar sits in on my face, I was faced with a choice. Death ... or breathe in the air of the small pocket trapped for 30 years. Ken, if it was not for that rancid bubble, I would not be here today ... and thank you to everyone in America who has not sued me so far!"
I completely blank it out between mentions.
Sophia, that's your brain's way of protecting you!
I tried to protect you, Cindy. I tried.
Thank you, Hec. You know, I wouldn't want to see that, but the explanation was actually milder than what I was expecting, when I read ita say she wouldn't even white font it.
How'd it get the name?
I have never linked to a photo of goatse Hec
ita, I really feel there should be a comma between "goatse" and "Hec."
Though, come to think of it, the comma-less version is correct, also.