Yayayay, heat!
I have nothing to say about the Globes. But I have discovered that puppies, in addition to being excellent heating pads, can also function as HVAC devices when one thoroughly wrestles and chases them. I was cold, went in to get warm by the fire, and play ensued.
Puppies are more H than AC though. At least in my experience. Often, I'm pushing the little heat rocks away when I get hot.
Kat, I forget to tell you. The reason I called yesterday is that Trader Joes had an assload of ginger candy at the register and I wanted to know if you needed any.
oh you are sweet, Allyson! thank you, but nope. I'm doing much better with nausea as long as I avoid mango lassi. Which is, not unsurprisingly, easy to do.
There seems to be a bunch of unexpected winners, or a poor seating plan, no? Several of the winners seem to have had to come from far away.
Was Annette Bening nominated in three categories? And what's up with Helen Mirren twice in one category? Craziness.
Heh. I now have ginger candy radar. I see it everywhere, when before it was invisible to me. Ditto Starbucks, which is msbelle's fault.
So Luscious Jackson is considered Hiphop/Rap by iTunes. I wouldn't have put it in that category, but whatever. Just sort of interesting.
I want rain dammit.
Have I mentioned our greentastic rainfall?
GG: Loved
Meryl Streep.
I think Gillian Anderson is looking gorgeous. I thought Naomi Watts'
choice of dress was unfortunate, but not as unfortunate as the fact that Steve Carell mispronunced Georges Méliès.
In other (Top Chef) news, dish about Padma, and a possible spoiler?
Ilan Hall, a line cook at Casa Mono...Cliff Crooks, executive chef at Salute!... Sam Talbot, former executive chef at Punch
From [link]