Heh. I now have ginger candy radar. I see it everywhere, when before it was invisible to me. Ditto Starbucks, which is msbelle's fault.
So Luscious Jackson is considered Hiphop/Rap by iTunes. I wouldn't have put it in that category, but whatever. Just sort of interesting.
I want rain dammit.
Have I mentioned our greentastic rainfall?
GG: Loved
Meryl Streep.
I think Gillian Anderson is looking gorgeous. I thought Naomi Watts'
choice of dress was unfortunate, but not as unfortunate as the fact that Steve Carell mispronunced Georges Méliès.
In other (Top Chef) news, dish about Padma, and a possible spoiler?
Ilan Hall, a line cook at Casa Mono...Cliff Crooks, executive chef at Salute!... Sam Talbot, former executive chef at Punch
From [link]
I am catching up on Heroes. It's cracking me up even though it's weird.
Did I mention I'm COLD?
Also, I bought chile cheese bread and garlic cheese bread. I was SUPER excited, but they aren't sliced. Now I'm SAD!
Honestly, Mrs. Rushdie has turned out to be not much better than Mrs. Joel, although I like her relative enthusiasm for eating.
Best TV comedy:
Short-memory-itis.... what was Television Without Pity called before they changed the name?
I seriously need to find chile cheese bread locally. That and a slab of ham is one of the most perfect sandwiches ever.