I used to get MLK day off - back when I worked at a progressive mail-order place, and then at two different banks. But not so much since I took my programming job.
This weekend I'm going to build a sonic death ray. OK, actually a thingie that uses an ultrasonic range finder to build a picture of what's in front of it. I guess you'd call it a sonar camera.
How many other people get MLK Jr. day off, and what are people doing this weekend?
I do! I'm planning to possibly get Indian food with the Chicagoistas, do laundry, buy new shoes as current black pair of boots need trashing, make cookies or cupcakes, and a big pot of miso soup, and write.
And maybe read a book.
I'm going to Arisia this weekend. Which is downtown Boston, so I get the best of both worlds -- fun SF con, plus sleeping in my own bed.
The OC last night was a flashback to olden times. It was sweet and funny and sad. Oh, and with some scandal thrown in.
The absolute best parts were the
references to Grey's Anatomy ("Seriously?" "Seriously" and "...but we learnt an important lesson about family.").
I do not get MLK Day or Columbus off, and I am planning to spend the weekend fighting off the Ick that seems to have taken residence in my sinuses.
Oh, and I'd like to propose that we do a watch-n-post when the New Horizons spacecraft does its flyby of Pluto. Mark your calendars for July 14, 2015.
How many other people get MLK Jr. day off, and what are people doing this weekend?
I do! I'm going to play trivia with my BFF and her DH tonight, he's competing in that trivia challenge thing in New York. Tomorrow, running errands and babysitting my niece while my bro and SIL go to his holiday party. (makes so much more sense to do it in January. Much cheaper, and no conflicts). Sunday, no plans. Monday will lay around in my pajamas, slow cook something, and watch TV and read.
The OC last night was a flashback to olden times.
This whole season has been, hasn't it? It's not making me sad that this is the last year, but it's making feel a hell of a lot better about watching it go.
Mark your calendars for July 14, 2015
Ooh. I'm totally there. You might have to remind me, though.
You might have to remind me, though.
Heh. Ok, will do.
(Someone might have to remind me to remind Liese S....)