The OC last night was a flashback to olden times. It was sweet and funny and sad. Oh, and with some scandal thrown in.
The absolute best parts were the
references to Grey's Anatomy ("Seriously?" "Seriously" and "...but we learnt an important lesson about family.").
I do not get MLK Day or Columbus off, and I am planning to spend the weekend fighting off the Ick that seems to have taken residence in my sinuses.
Oh, and I'd like to propose that we do a watch-n-post when the New Horizons spacecraft does its flyby of Pluto. Mark your calendars for July 14, 2015.
How many other people get MLK Jr. day off, and what are people doing this weekend?
I do! I'm going to play trivia with my BFF and her DH tonight, he's competing in that trivia challenge thing in New York. Tomorrow, running errands and babysitting my niece while my bro and SIL go to his holiday party. (makes so much more sense to do it in January. Much cheaper, and no conflicts). Sunday, no plans. Monday will lay around in my pajamas, slow cook something, and watch TV and read.
The OC last night was a flashback to olden times.
This whole season has been, hasn't it? It's not making me sad that this is the last year, but it's making feel a hell of a lot better about watching it go.
Mark your calendars for July 14, 2015
Ooh. I'm totally there. You might have to remind me, though.
You might have to remind me, though.
Heh. Ok, will do.
(Someone might have to remind me to remind Liese S....)
Hopefully most of the insurance world takes Monday off and it's slow here.
The Looni gives us MLK day off, but then asks us to staff public services in the library, which means (plus!) I get to work my normal day at 2.5 pay, and (minus!) day care is closed, so mr. flea eats a day.
I am happy to honor MLK by sticking it to the man for double time and a half.
Will sue to avoid goblins
Håkon Robertsen has refused to tear down a condemned barn for fear of reprisals from 'little people' and is ready to sue local authorities to protect the building.
Robertsen continues to resist a local order to tear down the derelict structure, and is currently being fined NOK 300 (USD 47.50) a day until he flattens the barn. Local authorities first ordered the barn demolished in February 2005 after complaints from Robertsen's neighbors and a new order was passed this autumn.
Robertsen fears the consequences of tearing the building down.
"I don't believe in ghosts, but underworld creatures have taken up residence in the building," Robertsen told newspaper Nordlys, referring to a term used for the fairies and goblins of Norwegian folklore.
Robertsen would not go into detail about his experiences, but said he was convinced that to comply with the order would have serious consequences for his life and health.
"A while back I removed the top of the building and that is an experience I will not repeat," he said, and points out that the barn is built on an old Viking site.