Totally random hivemind (traditional music department, division of folk son lyrics) question:
Many, many years ago in my long-gone preteenhood, I saw an episode of M*A*S*H shelters a busload of war orphans. In it, there's a brief scene of Radar singing a lullaby to a restless wee one. It's haunted me ever since, and I've been using the tune for Matilda lullabyes since she was born. Last night I decided to hunt down all the lyrics so I could sing her the whole original song if I felt like it, not just the chorus and single verse sung by Radar.
Except I can't find the damn thing anywhere. The lyrics as sung on the show are:
By lo, baby,
by lo baby,
by lo baby,
by lo baby, by.
Daddy still loves you,
Daddy still loves you,
Daddy still loves you,
Though he's gone to war.
I feel like a Google idiot. Every possible spelling variation of by and lo (except for "buy low, baby," which seems unlikely) comes up with nothing much: eBay auctions for a doll called a By-Lo Baby or for sheet music to a minstrel-era song that's (a) kinda racist and (b) metrically all wrong anyway. Spelling variations with "lullaby," "song" or "lyrics" turn up the creepy minstrel song.
Googling the second verse brings up a Simpsons message board post by a guy who uses that as his tagline, and a Songs Sung On M*A*S*H Episodes website (also a couple of children's music CDs with a "By-Lo Baby" on the playlist, but on account of the creepy minstrel song I'm leery of shelling out money for a CD sight, or lyrics, unseen).
Am I blindly forgetting to Google something really obvious, or is it just a haunting little faux-old-timey song that in fact only dates back to whenever that M*A*S*H episode was written?