Aimee is right. Billytea.
I'm not doing doubles, yet, bon.
Here's a classic.
I was in a Management Training Seminar yesterday. Subject, Leadership.
It was all about managers sometimes needing to be autocratic, and sometimes more democratic and take staff viewpoints into consideration more.
"Name anyone who you admire as a leader" says the trainer.
"Buffy The Vampire Slayer" I say (three out of five of us are Buffy fans in the room -- I love my workplace).
"O.K." says the trainer, going along with it. "What kind of leader is she, Autocratic or Democratic?"
"Well, most of the time, she's democratic, but there are principles she won't compromise and then she turns Autocratic and says 'this is the way it's going to be'"
"That's a good example yes. Having principles is important, for instance our editorial policies. But you shouldn't abruptly change from one style of management to another -- how does Buffy signal a change in management style?"
"Uh, she ... puts her hair in a ponytail..?"