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Cablevision does have faster Internet, though.
From where I'm sitting, not noticeably. Certainly not faster enough to make up for the fact that their customer service department flat out lied to me about what it would take to keep my phone number.
Unfortunately, they're the only cable provider at this address, and any other broadband internet solution would also involve a new phone company. (And dropping the digital phone from my account wouldn't save me any money since I'm on a promotional rate from the Triple Play package.) So I'm completely stuck.
I just got a nice bonus at work, so I celebrated by ordering one of Pimpmeister Sean\'s Logitech Harmony remotes. I\'ll let folks know if it really is all that.
I celebrated by ordering one of Pimpmeister Sean's Logitech Harmony remotes. I'll let folks know if it really is all that.
Heh heh heh.
The thing really pimps itself. I know ND had a higher end one that he wound up returning because he couldn't get it to reliable control his TV, but I've had zero problems with reliable performance.
I can't wait to hear your experience with the thing.
I just got a nice bonus at work, so I celebrated by ordering one of Pimpmeister Sean's Logitech Harmony remotes. I'll let folks know if it really is all that.
Me too, (if you replace bonus with tax refund). Seanie, you'd better be getting a kickback.
I know ND had a higher end one that he wound up returning because he couldn't get it to reliable control his TV
Hmmm... I ordered a higher-end one, but my TV is a Sony which is hopefully common enough that it can be reliably controlled.
I think ND blamed it on his TV. I have the higher end one, and the only problem I've had is with the battery contacts, and that was simply solved by wedging the battery in with a piece of paper.
What is the best wireless manager for ubuntu/kubuntu? I have KWireless and something else instaled, but neither of them are holding a stable connection to my router long enough or consistently enough to download a torrent, which is a PITA because that is what I really need the box for. Suggestions?
It may be a bit late, but maybe KNetworkManager? It's default in Feisty. I don't use it though due to the not-having wireless factor.
Hmmm... I ordered a higher-end one, but my TV is a Sony which is hopefully common enough that it can be reliably controlled.
Yeah, ND (as ita said) blamed his TV, and was not happy about returning the remote. His TV was way off brand. If yours is a Sony, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.
Thanks, ita & Sean. Sleep will not be lost.
I need to get a new battery for my (old) laptop. I saw one listed on eBay with a "runtime of 1:20". Isn't that low?
Any idea how long should a battery for a ThinkPad last?