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I got all excited about the phone advice for Lori because my phone broke, so I was in the market too. Whereupon I remembered that my phone was fixed by mysterious phone pocket gnomes, and I don't actually need a new one. Drat.
In other news, I am on the SO's laptop because its wireless is stronger than my external card and we're pretty far from the hub here. And his keyboard and touchpad are just so much slickerier than my Vaio's. Weird. When we shared this one, I never thought about it, but now that I use a different one this feels completely alien.
Damn pocket gnomes! Don't they know we need new toys?
I'm fairly concerned with Vista not playing old edutainment games for the kid's computers. Leif's computer is needing replacement at some point and my wife will not take to idea of getting a new computer for her and giving Leif's hers. At some point I think I'll just need to buy a refurbished one that still has XP before XP is no longer available at all.
Vista news has to be good for Apple.
Vista news has to be good for Apple.
If they don't blow it, it could be a huge boost.
Speaking of Apple, has anyone else seen the new iPhone ad? It's nothing but famous movie/TV clips of people answering the telephone. (We counted at work - there are 32 clips. The footage alone must have cost at least half a million, plus talent clearances.)
[eta: And if you haven't seen it on TV yet, it's on Apple's front page right now.]
Is there anything from your company in there, Jess?
No, all the TV clips are American.
If they don't blow it, it could be a huge boost.
I don't think it will help much in office use (it might help Novell SLED though), but if Vista is breaking games and making media usage difficult, that really has to make Apple look good for home users.
I don't think it will help much in office use (it might help Novell SLED though), but if Vista is breaking games and making media usage difficult, that really has to make Apple look good for home users.
Offices will just keep using XP or 2000 if Vista doesn't work.
I'm not sure about gamers -- I guess it depends on what has a Mac version out already.
(My office, always at the cutting edge, is currently in the process of upgrading to XP.)