That was precisely my next question, Tom. I'm looking at the Circuit City web site and wondering. I see one for $80, which is more than my DVD player cost.
When you say shop around--what is a realistic price to not end up with crap? I could swing by Fry's I guess. They should be good, eh?
OK, next question involving cable and TiVos:
So, I've got a new digital cable setup, but when the guy set it up, I didn't have my TiVo or TV. So I tried to do it on my own, wouldn't work.
There's a cable coming out of the wall, then a splitter. One half of that goes to the cable modem. The other half, to a digital cable box.
I couldn't make the digital cable box and the TiVO work together. So I figured no problem, I can just hook the TiVO up to the cable on it's own, and switch inputs on the TV if I want to watch something OnDemand. Not ideal, but whatev'.
So I hook up another splitter, before the digital cable box. Now there's one wire to the modem, one to the box (connected to one TV input), and one to the TiVO (connected to another TV input).
Any idea why the TiVO signal is crazy and ghosty, then? The digital signal is just fine, but the TiVo one isn't much better than over air (though it does get the cable channels).
what is a realistic price to not end up with crap?
I wouldn't pay more than $25.00.
I wouldn't pay more than $25.00.
Cool. What sort of store is a good bet? Local AV?
Local AV?
That's where I found mine.
IIRC, we paid $20 for a DVI HDMI at a Tiger outlet, if you have a physical store nearby.
Is this what we're talking about?
I am so psyched. Assuming all goes to plan I could be HDed up by Monday afternoon.
Amazingly I've gotten good prices on interconnect cables through Amazon.
Cool. That store's near me.