It depends on what you're using for project archival. If you're really saving all emails, that may be the documentation you need to save instead of a Word doc, etc, that no one reads now, but someone might need three personnel changes down the line to explain the rationale about A, B, and F.
inorganic needs to be institutional memory, and I find every company I've worked for has been really bad at that--not only are all the answers not written down, the reasons for the answers have to be recreated from scratch, and that's often impossible. That kind of trail would be *gold* for me in my particular installation.
I am entirely frustrated with the unreading of emails at my office, because I have honestly never sent anyone anything I don't think they shouldn't have. But oh-so-many times to I have to repeat it many more times than once because they don't read it at all. And then, next month, it'll be like the email and the explanation of the email had never happened.
It's not like they're going to the shared drive or SharePoint or any of the other places you'd hope.
I'm going to need to be spoon fed the impact of that.
I totally agree that low value emails just shouldn't be sent!
I've opted out of nearly every list I was on and have been so good about shipping finished emails to appropriate folders that my sent box is empty and my inbox has 4 messages in it. Which makes it glaringly obvious that these are things I don't want to deal with.
In re: transparency and email sharing...when I was at the Apple store, the nice tech tried to explain the benefits of using 'the cloud', including "You can store your contacts there!"
I'm a therapist no effing way I'm putting information 'out there.'
He: "It's totally safe!"
Me: ...
It's hard enough keeping information safe at home.
Does anyone have the Sonos speaker system? I'm intrigued by their soon to be released Playbar. But not intrigued by the price. I'm wanting to replace my 1989 receiver. And I realize, about all I play through it these days is the TV. Playbar has optical in. Perfect! But price is a bit high. Then to add wireless surrounds, it's another chunk of change. And for sub, another big chunk of change. I want good sound. But, not sure I can afford THAT good for the home.
I was just able to pull some data off the dead laptop, including my one pivotal missing file, thank fuck.
Sonos is more about flexibility of playback then good sound. If one doesn't really want to be able to stream from anywhere and redirect playback from room to room I'm not sure it's worth the high price.
I like my Yamaha sound bar quite a bit. It came with a sub.
Is it self powered? Or need an amp? Does it have center channel?
I'm pretty sure it's this one: [link]
It's self-powered, and had lots of little speakers that it uses to generate surround sound by bouncing sound off the walls and such.
Our buddy who does want to do all that stuff has Sonos and it's pretty fucking awesome, but he's also very wealthy and can do whatever he damn well pleases.