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Does anyone here use a timer on their (PC) computer that they like? I used to use workrave, which was perfect-- two adjustable time periods for doing work dashes/breaks with minimal distracting windows and setup. But in losing my work hard drive, I had to upgrade to a version that won't countdown the rest break if I'm typing (i.e., resting by screwing around on the internet). Any 43 folders fans out there who use something like this?
ETA: I know Minuteur does this for the mac.
Anyway to set up an autmag on a system. I know I could use one of umpteen free services that will nag you on any schedule you desire by email. But I'd like to set something up internally on my system that will work regardless of internet connection.
Ooh - maybe ND knows this:
Found amongst a co-worker's collection of connectors we came across this Disney Sound Converter, complete with Mouse Ears. Done in shiny chrome, with what looks like a Parallel port, and phone jack. Is this the control device for Walt's Cryo-tube?
Chime in if you know what this really is.
bon bon,
what kind of timer are you looking for?
This is what I was using for awhile, is this what you mean?
It looks like it keeps track of your tasks instead of being a strict timer, right? I need something that almost goes in reverse-- just like a digital kitchen timer that can be set to keep two consecutive and repeatable periods.
Tommy, it's one of these:
I just removed my hard drive and put it into an external enclosure!
I'm so impressed with myself right now.
My iPod is refusing to play the vast majority of the tracks on it.
The catalyst seems to have been when I had it plugged into my laptop (which was not used to load on the music, what with the disk drive having been buggered for ages now), as I have numerous times before, and a message saying something like 'Hey, this track doesn't seem to have been loaded on via this computer. Connect to interpipe to okay?' came up.
But I can't do that, because I'm not online at home. So I tried to close the wee box thing.
And now it is flat out refusing to play the thousands of songs I loaded onto it in the UK.
I could weep.
Is there ANY way of undoing this, short of going home to the UK and reloading it all? Because I think that it does have the music in there - one minute it was playing it, and the next minute it was refusing to play it. I don't think it's really all been eaten. I hope it's not been eaten.
I am very sad.
Fay, do you mean the tracks aren't playing on the iPod itself? Or they aren't playing when you're connected to the computer?
It sounds like a simple sync issue, though I don't recall it being set to sync automatically when I was putting music on it in January.
I mean the tracks are not playing on the iPod. They are not playing on the laptop. They are not playing here at work on this computer. A little exclamation mark comes up next to the song, when viewing iTunes; on the iPod itself, it shows you the title and all that, but then dashes on to the next song. Which is skips. And the next. And the next. And the next. And then it plays some crappy thing that I didn't even know I had on there.
I am very sad.
Very very sad.
It sounds like a simple sync issue
What does this mean?
I have managed to authorise the work computer to play music purchased online (not that it ever needed authorising before), but still no go.
I am very sad.