I have found that the Toast converter on the Mac is quite a bit faster and actually takes advantage of multicore CPU's. On my dualcore PC the Tivo converter will max out one CPU and not touch the other one. On my dualcore G5 it will max out both of them. I haven't tried it on my dualcore MacBook yet.
'Time Bomb'
Buffistechnology 3: "Press Some Buttons, See What Happens."
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OK, it seems my XP virtual machine does not have an MPEG-2 video decoder (as it has no native DVD movie player software), which would require me to purchase Tivo Desktop Plus. So I might as well just buy Toast (and ND's post adds additional reasons to)....
The version of TiVo Desktop for Mac that wouldn't run on Tiger let the TiVo see iTunes playlists. Does this version not let the TiVo look at the Mac at all?
WS_FTP Pro. That duck program irritates me. I like the interface of WS_FTP Pro so much better.
The old pre-commercial Fetch used to have a nice simple two-pane interface I miss a lot. I have not tried the OSX version. Another good commerical one I hear about is "Transmit", there are others... [link]
UltraEdit 32. Have not found my one true Mac text editor. I'm playing with Zend Studio eval, and it's overkill in the other direction. What I mainly need is FTP Open/Save, syntax highlighting, regular expression search and replace...well, and everything else.
I take it you have already tried the leading one, BBedit?
Of course, if one has an intel mac, there's always Parallels to run windows apps seamlessly in OSX.
Theoretically. Haven't the cash for an Intel mac right now...
Does this version not let the TiVo look at the Mac at all?
It either doesn't have Tivo Server or I don't know how to turn that on. I haven't been able to find anything in Roxio's Help files that imply that the TiVo can see what's on the Mac. I think there may be a workaround, but it's not an important feature for me, so I haven't looked into it.
TiVo Desktop/To Go
TivoDecode / TivoDecodeManager
WS_FTP Pro. That duck program irritates me.
I never found a free Mac FTP program I liked, wound up buying Fetch.
Paintshop Pro.
Photoshop Elements, also $80. About 80% of the full version's functionality (I have yet to find a feature on one I need on the other).
I'm inordinately fond of Fugu, but it's SFTP only -- not a problem for me as all the servers I FTP to are also SFTP only, but it's a thing to be aware of.
I heard a rumor that there was some form of Open Office that would run on OS X but I haven't seen it or used it and I may have heard wrong.
NeoOffice. Installed it last night, works a charm, and opens Office 2007 documents. Installing involving clicking the .pkg file and typing my password. No need for MS Office, which is great.
I found another Mac program which lets you convert DIVX/XVID/etc to DVD/iPod/Tivo format. But I've forgotten what it's called.
Thanks to all those listing other Mac apps -- I will be playin' tonight!
I found another Mac program which lets you convert DIVX/XVID/etc to DVD/iPod/Tivo format
MPEG Streamclip is my favorite Mac friendly media-format converter. I don't know if it can convert things to Tivo-compatible MPEG files (never tried), but it can handle everything I've ever thrown at it.
Oh wow, that includes stuff for ripping from generic firewire cameras. Thanks, Jessica - I've got a load of footage on my video camera of actors goofing off I've never been able to extract properly, so I shall have another go.