Got a question about technology? Ask it here. Discussion of hardware, software, TiVos, multi-region DVDs, Windows, Macs, LINUX, hand-helds, iPods, anything tech related. Better than any helpdesk!
Bon Bon, since other files and C&P work, it seems like a setting to that specific file. Email it to me (deleting any confidential information first ,since you are sending unencrypted) and I'll take a look. I promise nothing, but I've had good luck diagnosing fiddly little things like that quickly.
My profile addy is good.
My Vista install CD has arrived!
Watch it now sit on my shelf collecting dust. But I have it, should ever decide it's time to make the switch.
I searched on Google for a while and couldn't find a fix
This exchange is what made me think I could ignore the 4 Terabytes message and just try to clear out half the drive.
Hacking MacTV
Apparently hacking a MacTV and making it a $300 Mac has already happened.
Bwah, that's great, Daniel. Wonder if Apple will try to put a stop to it..
There were rumors that Apple would lock up a hacked machine the next time it tried to run an automatic software update, but they seem to have been debunked. The semi-official word, as far as I know, is "Do what you want, but don't come crying to us when it breaks and you've voided the warranty."
Awesome. If they can get networking working, I might buy one (although they are $400 here in the UK, mumble grumble).
Bit Pim Rocks. I have successfully created and downloaded edits of songs by Brian Eno, The Buggles, the Wizard's Baker medley from Home Movies and (what the heck) the Lothars onto my cell phone as potential ringtones. Take that, Virgin!
I seek help from the uber-geeks. I copied a bunch of .wmv files to a CD-R in a DVD-RW drive. However, those files are unable to be read on a regular DVD drive or on a regular CD or CD-R drive. Whyfor not? They're just regular data files, aren't they?
For one, what format did you save it as? if it was UDF, that would be a factor.
For two, did you "finalize" the CD? Some formats don't do well if the CD is not closed.
If it was done as a multi-session burn, it might not be seen on another computer.