Is Matt writing???? Even if he isn't, I'm probably still interested, but if he is....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Behold the Devil. He did the art AND the writing for this issue. It's gorgeous, natch. The writing is awesome. It's the 25th anniversary of Grendel so I fully expect Matt to keep his fingers in all aspects of the upcoming series.
Re: Grendel
t shits pants
I just got to the perfect cup of coffee bit in Girl Genius.
It's a beautiful thing.
Amazon has a little interview with James Marsters about his role as Lex Luther in Superman- Doomsday.
x-posted with Harry Potter thread
Lookie what I got at Comic-Con! [link]
Mike Wieringo has passed away. [link]
lisah, did you recognize the characters? I'm not sure I did.