Over at TWOP, somebody posted that the BBC has split the comic rights to Doctor Who and that IDW will have them in the USA -- I'm trying to find confirmation. Has anyone heard anything about this? And about some sort of Doctor Who/Transformers Xover mini-series?
Other Media 2: It's Astounishing!
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
Art we've gotten: 3 Powers pages, 1 Wet Moon page, and 2 inked Jaime Hernandez drawings (Maggie & Hopey, Penny Century). Plus some misc sketches.
Also picked up 3 Josh Howard pieces.
Somehow, not any less jealous.
I got the coolest Yorick & Ampersand sketch! I love Y the Last Man.
2 inked Jaime Hernandez drawings (Maggie & Hopey, Penny Century
::watch me turn green::
Heroes Graphic Novel coming out on Wildstorm.
I was just wondering about this the other day - yay! In sad news, I don't think I can pick up my Buffy until Monday.
ANGEL: AFTER THE FALL cover: [link]
First ish comes out November. Whedon has an oversight role on the project.
Is Angel still being done by IDW, Kevin?