Tattoo it on your newly scrubbed, pink expectations: "Except for Frank Miller. Fuck Frank Miller."
'Objects In Space'
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
Tattoo it on your newly scrubbed, pink expectations: "Except for Frank Miller. Fuck Frank Miller."
Blech, Pete. Am sad, and won't bother going looking for a copy. Completeness isn't worth it.
I miss this thread. But I fell off the collecting wagon when I lost my job. I got rid of most of my comic collection when I realised how much dust it was gathering. The rest I need to catalogue and determine how to follow in trades. Hopefully that will be possible for what I still have interest in. Which includes Buffy-I read one issue near the start and it was unintelligible.
ita, it looks like they're printing every Martha story into one collection in '08 so you could just pick up that shiny item and give this section the eyeful without feeling too cheated.
X-Factor this week was pretty exciting, given the news that M may be the first mutant to get pregnant since Wanda went batshit crazy. And Jamie has got to be the father, given his rumored centrality in the upcoming crossover. The Rhane/Rictor thing was unexpected (what with her being a Good Catholic Girl and him having been hinted at as gay previously), but if it stops him whining about his missing powers for an issue or two I'm all for it. Especially since the alternate orientation mantle was taken up by one of Jamie's duplicates at the start of the issue.
The fans got Peter Johnson to reconsider the whole issue of the Impala in SPN: Origins.
Sweet! Now maybe the paper issues will have some collector value!
Plus, they'll sell more TPBs that way.
resists urge to point out all the other inconsistencies that could be fixed...
They're also removing all reference to Jo (and presumably getting her name right) from #3 in the trade ed.
Beverly, what did they get wrong about Jo in #3? I read it, but I'm not up enough on canon detail to know. Was she, like, not actually born yet or something?
Right, Jen. In the comic, John brings Sam, 6. mos and Dean, 4, into Harvelle's while he talks with some hunters, and Ellen mentions she has one at home about Dean's age. Or maybe Sam's, I forget. And calls her Josephine. So, you know, *nothing* canon about that.
Though to be fair, they did say they would depart from show canon somewhat.
Cover art for SPN: Origins #6.