Nifty! Did you ask her name?
Giles ,'Conversations with Dead People'
Other Media 2: It's Astounishing!
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
Or what part she's auditioning for?
edit: should probably be in Movies
Skipping like crazy cause I'm so far behind to give mad props to Brian K. Vaughan. My GF posted about the book drive that I'm a part of for the local juvenile hall (I'm volunteering there) on his bulletin board and BKV himself posted this:
This is spectacular.
I just ordered 25 copies of the first Runaways digest for 'em, but even one book will make a huge difference, so every Caballero should get in on this.
Buy a graphic novel you think these kids will dig and you'll feel less awful about yourself all day. Only takes a second and most of the books are way cheap. It's a bargain!
What a guy! The people on his forum all seem like cool peeps - see for yourself: [link] Yay for humanity!
That's cool.
Um - is next week Buffy & Winchesters day?
GC, that's so great! I have a stack of books at home I want to run by you before I send them out. Hmmm, maybe I can get to that tonight.
I just checked Dark Horse, and Buffy is next week. I'm assuming SPN will follow suit.
Whee! Buffy #4 in the house! Of course, I probably won't get to read it until tonight...
Got it! I fucking love Xander and The Toy Story reference. And the lip gloss. and Poor Ethan Rayne. I like where this is going.
I haven't read my Supernatural Origins yet. I'm still having pie. There was no Runaways. Anybody know anything about a delay?
There was no Runaways. Anybody know anything about a delay?
There was no Astounishing either, so Marvel may just be off-schedule (or Joss is off schedule for Marvel and not for Buffy).