I dropped it to a friend of ours. He was just leaving the shop with his son, as we were getting there. He mentioned there was a Magic: The Gathering tournament going on inside. I asked if he'd played (he is big into comics and has written some RPGs). He said he had, and I asked if he knew of you. When he did, I said you were a friend of mine. I believe he said, "Wow. Pete Venters, really?" and then asked how I knew you. So I said I became friends with your wife, online.
The online part always feels so lame.
Yeah, I'm glad you didn't mention b.org, though, as I retain a very polite online presence for my professional persona, whereas you all know me as someone who swears like a sailor with his comedic tastes in the gutter.
Yeah, I'm glad you didn't mention b.org, though, as I retain a very polite online presence for my professional persona, whereas you all know me as someone who swears like a sailor with his comedic tastes in the gutter.
You keep spelling adorable wrong.
I think we just need to keep correcting you.
Plei, I wish to hire you, just so I can fire you.
It's been awhile, but you, missy, are OTL.
Lalala! I'm on the list! Yay!
Also, were you making that adorable squinchy face when you typed that? Were you? Hmm?
Yeah, I'm glad you didn't mention b.org, though, as I retain a very polite online presence for my professional persona, whereas you all know me as someone who swears like a sailor with his comedic tastes in the gutter.
I don't namecheck b.org, ever. I don't really want my face to face people here. This is my refuge (which I typed as 'refuse' twice, and let that be a lesson to you, or something).
My friend said he knew someone associated with M:TG in real life, but I can't remember who (because the only meaning M:TG has for me is that my nephew used to be crazy for it, and you did beautiful work for it).
Alison Bechdel is going to be running the "archive" episodes of DTWOF, starting with episode 1, here.
Heh. That strip was in one of the free comics I picked up on Saturday.
SPN Origins: (are we still WFing? it's monday, so we don't have to, but I will just in case)
I kind of hate the art. And the colouring. But I love the John stuff. He's so lost, and that's conveyed very well in this. Also interesting to see him with a station wagon! I liked the last handful of pages the best, the Dean-Sam stuff (unsurprisingly). The moment where he begs Sam not to ask, and then says he'll take it all on himself? Gah. Bless his little fucked up heart.
Oh, page three. You pwned me something fierce.
I am trying to get myself together to catch up on Runaways. I've got the first volume, but just haven't gotten around to it as I've been so involved with the wizard Dresden. Also on the catch-up: Astonishing, which I think I dropped around #14, and starting to wade through Lucifer all over again.