I liked the row of L's.
Other Media 2: It's Astounishing!
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
Young Justice:
Someone over at Onion AV Club mentioned that Bart's presence has already altered the timeline because he rescued Jaime from The Reach.
I thought about it, and would take it even further. Without Bart, they don't rescue Jaime. Without Jaime, the rescue mission fails as Black Beetle already all of The Team's heavy hitters down and the Bio-ship sealed off.
I doubt that's enough to change Bart 's future, but that's got to be significant.
From Death Note.
Ah, okay. Haven't seen that one. I'm horribly out of the loop when it comes to anime these days.
I haven't seen the anime, just read the manga.
So Steph will be happy to know I've ahemmed the original run of Jaime as Blue Beetle and am finding it to be great stuff. (I just finished issue 8.)
Oh my god, yes. PACO FOREVER. Well, you may not have gotten to the great Paco stuff yet, but it's coming.
Seriously, that whole run is gold right through issue 24. I will give props to DC for hanging on to it long past the point its sales justified dumping it (which was unfortunately really early).
I think I love the supporting cast as much as Jaime. Maybe more. Especially Paco and Brenda. And Jaime's parents.
Yes, the supporting cast is wonderful. I like how (at least so far) Jaime's civilian life and those around him are at least as important, if not more so, than the hero stuff.
It also makes me want to say that Young Justice did right by the character, because comic Jaime and show Jaime feel very much like the same person (though I'm kind of disappointed we haven't at least gotten a Brenda and Paco cameo in his episodes.)
(1) I am on board for Blue Beetle squee any time. It seriously gets better from where you are.
(2) Yeah, as I watched more and more of YJ, I feel like they really did right by the character (although the show seems to indicate he lives in a big fancy house, which threw me). There are some differences (which is why I freaked out at the comment about the Scarab being Kord tech), but it really makes me feel like DC really loved that iteration of Blue Beetle, to the point of putting him in YJ and making him true to the comic.
(3) If Paco and Brenda were in YJ, even as a cameo, I would have died from happiness. PACO FOREVER.
Kalshane, what's your source for stuff like that?