I should note that the lovely guys in my local shop told me they only received half of the copies they ordered. They...aren't looking forward to tonight.
Yeah, I got into my nearest Newbury Comics right after noon, when they bring out the new comics, and they had two small stacks of each cover. There were more of the one Runaways issue than there was of both covers of Buffy. Methinks if I'd waited until the afternoon, I would have been SOL.
I have mine -- oh and I love it. I laughed outloud at
Xander's comment when Dawn splashed him.
I'm still not recognizing
Amy w/o prompting.
And it was lovely to see
Giles and Willow.
Also - it's
Sleeping Beauty Buffy
I laughed outloud at Xander's comment when Dawn splashed him.
Me, too, but I'm trying to figure out why it's not bothering anyone that Xander's basically watching Dawn bathe, and apparently thinks nothing of it. I mean, it's Xander. Just me?
Oh, that bothered me. I rationalized
that he had his back to her. But I'd have to look at those panels more carefully.
(Aww, Giles singing about Buffy just came up on my itunes.)
I really want to just grab my comic and re-read, right here, at my desk.
I rationalized that he had his back to her. But I'd have to look at those panels more carefully.
I just checked- it is. Still. Yeesh. I mean, I understand that the scene was necessary to show Xander's intrinsic understanding of Dawn's emotional state, but they couldn't have done that anywhere else? The splash punchline was that worth it?
Oh, the other thing I wanted to say is that there is an issue of the Runaways out called "Runaways Saga" that is a catch-up issue. Clearly, Marvel realized that people who don't normally read the Runaways might start with Joss writing it AND they wanted to celebrate/commemorate the completion of Brian K. Vaughn's run on the book - so there's that. It's a normal sized comic and is told by one of the main characters.
Dang! The huge massive comic book mecca in Berkeley is sold out already (Hec just stopped by to check), but, yay, our teeny local shop squeezed in between the greasy diner and the Indian diner on Irving still has a few. Of which they've set aside one of each cover for me to pick up at 5. Woot!
My comic shop had mine! Both issues. And I picked up the Runaways for good measure.
And pie. Since the pies-only bakery is up the street.
Mmm...new comics and pie.
I can't get to the shop until Friday, boo! But in theory there's one of each cover in my box, yay! Can't wait, can't wait. Except, have to.
I can't wait until tomorrow when I can get mine! Which better be in my file.