I misread "Me" as "M" meaning Matilda at first. It was a lot funnier on the misread.
I'm pretty sure that will be her line by the time she's ten.
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
I misread "Me" as "M" meaning Matilda at first. It was a lot funnier on the misread.
I'm pretty sure that will be her line by the time she's ten.
Today's Wonderella really cracked me up.
From the Onion: Bill Watterson Writes, Illustrates, Shreds New 'Calvin And Hobbes' Strip Each Morning Out Of Spite
Batgirl's new background. Hmmph. No Oracle at all.
Man, I just stirred up a minor shitstorm asking about the reboot on IO9. But at least I have found some people who don't hate the idea. It's seriously the first time.
The alternative section at Golden Apple has atrophied since the last time I was here. Very sad.
So I bought JL #1, because I'm stalking Batfamily appearances in the 52, and it was a whole lot of nothing. NOTHING HAPPENED. Batman escapes the cops, meets GL. Or vice versa. Vic Stone is not a cyborg, has daddy issues. Superman hits GL, threatens Batman.
And we're done.
And we're done.
That's not a story. That's not even the set up of a story.
Not even slightly. It's like they took a coffee break 1/3 of the way through writing and arting.
So apparently Dark Horse will be issuing a comic that covers some of the territory between the end of Avatar: the Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. Starts coming out in January.