I know I'm falling right into the Outraged Fanboygirl caetgory, but I don't care: DC has pretty much given me no incentive to keep reading after the reboot.
Except for Blue Beetle, DAMN THEM. And even then, it might suck heartily. I guess I should go look for the solicit.
I will be continuing with Bat titles probationarily. Or whatever the word would be if I could speak English proper.
Wow. That was just... ew. So profoundly ew.
I didn't even think I was all that invested in these characters and their stories, but every fresh detail on every single reboot is making me realize how wrong I was--if I didn't actually care about them, this wouldn't be half so painful.
I'm willing to continue Batman and Red Robin, and I'm going to get Teen Titans #1 because I just have to know. And Blue Beetle. Oh, and I admit I'll get Batgirl #1 because I want to know what the deal is.
t edit
Okay, yeah, that doesn't sound like "DC has given me no incentive." I admit it. I'm reboot-curious.
Wait. It looks like there won't be a standalone title for Red Robin/Tim Drake.
The tiny Robin on top of my monitor is crying inside.
Oh, man. Blue Beetle gets his own title back, but Timmy loses his.
t /Comic Book Guy
I barely read any DC titles, and yet I'm still outraged at the reboot. Ugh.
ION, do any of you have experience with subscribing to online manga? Yen Plus is publishing the
manga in monthly installments, and I'm trying to decide if I want to spend $3 a month to read it, or if I'm patient enough to wait until March 2012 for the book..
I have to say, coming from the perspective of someone who read the Superman comics back in the 60s, when Lois only yearned for Superman and despised Clark Kent, for me the dissonance is a Lois/Clark married pair. I'm good with the reboot because that's what feels right to me. I was pretty outraged the last time I picked up a Superman comic and found out they were married. Sacrilege! That being said, I still won't read Superman because I quit reading the title back around 1969 after they killed him off the first time.
Sail, Lois and Clark were like... Zoe and Wash. They kicked ASS, damn it.
I have to look down on any writer who separates a couple--especially retroactive magic wandlikely, because partnered characters aren't as interesting. Supes doesn't actually need sexual tension to be interesting, and you can have resolved sexual tension that's still a charge. If you can't write a good marries Superman or Spider-Man, you are not doing their characters justice.
If you divorce them or kill their spouses, I'd have to evaluate that on a case by case basis. But these people are pretty open about saying they think a stable relationship sucks the life out. Is it that they're single, and they don't get that partnering isn't a death sentence? Or worse yet, they're
single, and they feel they're at the end of the road, and if they can't rescue themselves, they might as well rescue their characters?