That's pretty awesome.
'A Hole in the World'
Other Media 2: It's Astounishing!
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
PlasticGirl's dress is cool!
And I love SuperWoman's spit-curl.
Power Boy cracks me up. Didn't realize who he was supposed to be until I saw the comments and then it was "Oh, of course!"
aww crap. btw, the photos to the side and bottom of the linked superhero alphabet may not be SFW.
Oh my god, the P is awesome!
This super power chart is kinda awesome.
Chatty and I were talking about Ayn Rand, since that movie opens tomorrow, and he mentioned that Steve Ditko was big into objectivism, and was moving Spider-Man in that direction.
I have no idea if that's true, nor do I actually care if it's factual, because it led me to this thought: is there any way that superhero-ing is remotely tenable within an objectivist philosophy? I say no, not looking at traditional superheroes like Supes and Spidey and Batman, etc. I just don't think that constantly putting oneself in mortal danger meshes with looking out for one's best interest.
I could maybe see it with the more shades-of-grey superheroes like Peacemaker or The Comedian. (Yes, I know The Comedian was based on Peacemaker, so listing them both is a tad redundant. Don't care.)
I feel like I need to read me some Ayn Rand before I qualify for this discussion but I'm afraid.
It's funny you bring that up Steph! I was just mentioning to a friend of mine yesterday that I know a lot of guy comic book fans who consider themselves Randians.
I think it comes from a place of not really thinking through the whole philosophy, but I can see where Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark play toward those fantasies.