I also read the first volume of the Superman Chronicles, which is even more hilarious than the early Batman comics because Superman is SUCH A DICK. He drugs football players to take their place, he destroys oil wells to teach swindlers a lesson, he throws cars around to discourage unsafe driving, all while mocking everyone he sees. He's certainly well meaning, but oh man.
It's weird because he just goes around righting very little, normal wrongs, like unsafe driving or cruelty in a chain gang or an unfinished display for infantile paralysis. It takes a year for them to actually give him a real villain in the Ultra-Humanite, who is not a superintelligent monkey at this time.
Also, Lois REALLY HATES CLARK. It's so over-the-top and ridiculous. But she's actually pretty awesome right from the start, giving Clark fake tips so she can cover important cases that the editor didn't think a "girl" could handle and drugging him so she can meet Superman.
Superman also kills dudes, but not as frequently. And this one time when he sort of accidentally kills a dude, he's like, oh, he got what he deserved.
I enjoyed the early Batman comics more. The art's better, and the stories are more exciting. Superman's stories are almost needlessly complex for such mundane tales.
But, seriously, Superman is a dick.