I did like that part. What, you thought I was explaining my plan BEFORE I carried it out? Hah! That and him repeatedly smacking Rorschach around mid-monologue. I don't know, I think I like the concept behind the ending more than the execution.
Again, I think overall it's very good, I'm just not sure I actually liked it yet.
Side note, having seen JLU first, I couldn't help hearing Rorschach's dialogue in Jeffrey Combs' voice.
OK, this cracked me up: [link]
Batman is James Sterling?
This month's Marvel calendar match-up:
I guess the question is, can Jean hold the Hulk in a telekinetic bubble long enough for him to calm down (or even calm him down psychically)? If not, Hulk wins.
I'm pretty sure Jean at most any point in her career would be able to pick him up off the ground, at which point most applications of his strength become useless.
Right, but the question is how long she can hold a huge, heavy, superstrong, rampaging humanoid airborne. I seem to recall using her telekinesis does tire her out.