The last one made me do a double-take, though, with Oz's wife and KID.
I did a double take, too, but then it struck me as such an amazingly normal occurrence. You run across a friend you've not seen for a few years, and he's moved, raising a family, got his werewolf problem under control ...
I'm a little "Whoa" at the latest Buffy. It's a little more shocking that Buffy & Satsu.
Is it odd that
I found myself having the "Ick, NO!" reaction to that when I didn't have any such response to a 16 year-old Buffy getting involved with a walking corpse more than two centuries her senior
It might be odd, Matt, but it's not surprising.
How much younger is Dawn than the rest of the gang? Not more than five years or so, right? Eight, tops.
More Marvelman news. It's looking possible the Alan Moore run could be reprinted (without his name attached to it, naturally).
It's looking possible the Alan Moore run could be reprinted (without his name attached to it, naturally).
Oh, Alan Moore. Never change, you!
Please fire Dan DiDio...please fire Dan DiDio...please fire Dan DiDio...
I think more people should read Daredevil.
Request from one of my minions:
i inadvertently got my 5yo hooked on graphic novels when she started reading Amulet on her own; suggestions for age-appropriate books?
I'm useless at this...hivemind?