:: Shuffles feet... looks up at sky... whistles... ::
Other Media 2: It's Astounishing!
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
I liked 52 but I couldn't keep up so had to stop it.
Hey, are they likely to collect 52? In one book or in several?
And Jodi Picoult is going to write Wonder Woman?
I finally went to the comic book store and picked up my pulls.
Astonishing #19: It was okay. Pretty much setup for what looks like the final arc on Breakworld.
Ultimate Spider-man #103: Good stuff, as usual. Never read the original Clone Saga, but I read plenty about it, and Bendis seems to be doing a good job of paying homage to it without it actually sucking. Not too keen about the reveal about Doc Ock having power over metal. Say what?
Ultimate X-Men #77 (I think? The books are at home.) Eh. The rollercoaster of quality on this title continues, and the reveal at the end is very WTF?
Ultimate Power #s 2 and 3: I picked up the first issue because it's written by Bendis and had Spidey on the cover. I don't know how long I can put up with Greg Land's art, though. I can't tell what's going on in 3/4 of the panels and, as the link in the last thread pointed out, it's chock-full of obvious porn face. The storyline itself is kind of interesting, but the art is just painful.
My comic store added Ultimate Power #1 to my pull, since I get Ultimate X Men and The Ultimates. I handed it back saying "Sorry, but I have a Greg Land allergy."
Does he have that much of a fan base that he's still a golden child? Is this like the lunacy that was Liefeld?
The Hellboy animated movie will air tonight on Cartoon Network, at 9:30 EST.
If you missed it the first time around, it's definitely worth seeing, as they got Ron Perlman to do the voice.
The Hellboy animated movie will air tonight on Cartoon Network, at 9:30 EST.
Cool. Just IMed the GF to setup the DVR for me. (Wow, that was an intially sentence.) I won't be home before it starts, but at least I won't miss it again.
I can't tell what's going on in 3/4 of the panels and, as the link in the last thread pointed out, it's chock-full of obvious porn face. The storyline itself is kind of interesting, but the art is just painful.
To be honest, if you guys hadn't mentioned it, I don't think I even would've noticed. It looks (to me) like most of the art I see when I look at Marvel books.
Too me, in addition to looking like a bad photoshop job, the panels tend to be too cluttered and the character's facial expressions don't actually match up with what's going on. (ETA: Not just because of the porn face, but most of the expressions in general.)
I miss reading comics. I need to catch up on my titles one of these days. Or perhaps start budgeting them into my...budget.