Not seeing that far ahead on the DH website.
Other Media 2: It's Astounishing!
Discussion of comics, graphic novels, and more. Except for capes. No capes!
Please use spoiler font for new releases until after the weekend following release.
And if so, WTF is going on there? (With Willow, I mean.)
Did you notice, Steph, that when Willow was unconscious her vision of Saga Vasuki tells her she couldn't hide from "what you are, what's to come?" Very reminiscent of Buffy's dream in Restless with Tara telling her nearly the same thing. I don't know if it's an accidental echo or if it's Ultimate Drew's love for continuity pulling something out from long ago, just to say he did it. And if he did pull it out, why? Is there some connection between Willow and Buffy (having similar dreams) or Saga Vasuki and Tara (being the avatar for these messages)?
Totally loved this issue, despite the quibbles over Mecha!Dawn and poor artwork. Drew knows how to push all my buttons with the funny and the let's kill all our favorite characters. He's learned well from the masters.
I don't remember what happened to Warren . Could he have built a mecha-Dawn ?
The last we saw, he had disappeared with Amy. Good call.
Uh, not that I don't believe you, but are you sure the first one is really for Buffy? Maybe the web site got it wrong. It doesn't look related at all. Like, AT ALL.
It's for Buffy, Steph. It's s Dawn who's the centaur. It says she's gone through more bizarre changes.
Note to ita: I tried to use the quick-edit and futzed it up. Is that only at the beginning of a line? Because I tried to do it in the middle and hence the screw up. I tend to want to err on the side of caution and only use the html code if it means I don't have to worry about spoiling someone accidentally.
Yup. You do a carriage return so that the s and your whitefonty text start off on their own line, then another return to resume blackfont.
Thanks, brenda. I've only been on this board for what, five years or so. I'll figure it out eventually.
It's for Buffy, Steph. It's Dawn who's the centaur. It says she's gone through more bizarre changes.
The HELL? Okay, the whole giant thing was weird at first, but then I came around, and even started finding it workable within the storyline. But -- now a centaur?!? So, is she a GIANT centaur?
Goodness, I'll have to be sure to ask for the other cover.
I don't see the resemblance. And I'm still a little annoyed they have yet to define thricewise .
Why do I have the feeling that twenty issues down the line we'll see a jackalope in a tutu shouting "Get out! Get Out! GET OUT!!!" at Buffy ?