have you tried Castles and Crusades?
This is the first I've heard of it. I'll have to bring it up at the next game night. We were joking about playing 1st edition but we do have a lot of the books and it might be fun making a character from straight stats again. We were just messing around last night and ended up with some pretty decent numbers just rolling 3d6.
The company that puts it out is Troll Lord Games, and they have fairly decent array of material available...
I just found out Monks will be eliminated. My first 9th level character was a monk. My gaming buddy just shrugs and says, "monks were broken."
it was someone of showrunner importance to the show
Let it be Ricky, let it be Ricky, let it be Ricky.
Ricky Manning is the writer of the best of the last season episodes, the guy who came up with Scorpius, and the writer of "Won't Get Fooled Again". He's the Tim Minear of the Farscape universe, and it would be awesome if they use him. He's an antidote to Kemper and O'Bannon's sentimentality.
Hell, everything has been broken at one time or another in D&D. Maybe it suffered from the not being video game enough...
I hear my playmates say "oh that's broken" quite a bit but I usually don't get what they mean. I also don't understand meta-gaming. Why go to all the trouble of creating a character if you're not going to approach situations from your character's point of view?
Ah, because then you may not win. And winning is the most important thing, is it not?
At least according to one of the main psychological classifications of gamers. There are whole discussions about metagaming over in the Indie-Rpgs, goal orientation of players and how to design to maximize and/or minimize player trends, and the like. Or even how to design a Rpg to maximize character creation and interaction, and allow the metagame to melt away...
my GM docks XP for not playing your character so that helps keep the meta-gaming to a minimum.
Neat trick. I remember reading some OGL D20 variants, that if you played preset character traits, it would reset some of your abilities, allowing you to get around the fight, rest, explore, fight cycle...
Yeah we're lvl 2 trying to get around in the dungeon under Undermountain right now so we keep going down, having one battle and having to come back up to rest and heal. My nephew just joined the party with a bard so that should help.