My Secret Santee will have to wait until after Xmas for a package from me.
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2006: You're ON THE LIST!!!
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2006? Don't think we've forgotten about you.
2006 was a good year. Actually I say that every year of this century gets better -- I hit rock bottom in 2000 and it's been all up hill from there and this year continues that trend.
Earlier this year I was diagnosised with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrom (PCOS) and this month I got medication for this. It's supposed to help with that and also help me lose weight. I'm optimistic about getting healthier.
This year I also took up belly dancing and then wandered away from it, I plan to wander back at the beginning of the year.
One annoying thing happened -- my insurance payment went up. But because of that I successfully negogiated a raise and some minimal benefits.
And I made new friends and reconnected with others! So it was a good year.
There's a tree! A wee little tree on top of our TV armoire! It's so cute and we love it!
Thank you Christmas Elves!
I'm probably not going to be able to get my Secret Santa present out until after New Years. But it will be there! Sorry about the lateness.
I'm hopeful that my Sekrit Santee's gift box got out of the state prior to the almost complete shut-down of Denver today due to a blizzard. I dropped it off at the post office mid-day yesterday and the snow didn't start until this morning, so... fingers crossed.
I always want snow for Christmas day. It's my favorite part of Christmas. It's like Mother Nature's version of ambiance.
One or two inches of snow is ambiance. Eighteen inches is WAY over the top.
One or two inches of snow is ambiance. Eighteen inches is WAY over the top
Wrod wrod wrod wordy mcword.
One or two inches of snow is ambiance. Eighteen inches is WAY over the top.
Try 36 inches which we had two years running a couple of years ago on the North Shore of MA. So far, Winter 2006 has been mild here; I'm hoping the the 2007 part will do likewise. If we have a winter storm comparable to the rain we got in May/June this year, we're gonna be up to our eyeballs again.
This morning's news seemed to indicate that snowfall projection for Denver has been raised to 30". I hadn't had any coffee at the time though, so I might be wrong. I thought of Nicole, though.
Man, I love that kind of crazy snow.
One or two inches of snow is ambiance. Eighteen inches is WAY over the top.
OTOH, one or two inches is a nuisance. Eighteen inches is several days off work!