Simon: The decision saved your life. Zoe: Won't happen again, sir. Mal: Good. And thanks. I'm grateful. Zoe: It was my pleasure, sir.

'Out Of Gas'

Goodbye and Good Riddance 2006: You're ON THE LIST!!!  

Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2006? Don't think we've forgotten about you.

Liese S. - Apr 13, 2007 4:04:41 pm PDT #491 of 513
"Faded like the lilac, he thought."

Does this make us done? Can we close it?

DCJensen - Apr 13, 2007 4:05:46 pm PDT #492 of 513
All is well that ends in pizza.

I think we should at least get it to 500...

Kate P. - Apr 13, 2007 4:41:45 pm PDT #493 of 513
That's the pain / That cuts a straight line down through the heart / We call it love

I still haven't gotten my gift, though I do know who the gifter is. Am I the last one standing?

Jon B. - Apr 13, 2007 7:14:47 pm PDT #494 of 513
A turkey in every toilet -- only in America!

I haven't gotten my gift either :(

Dani - Apr 14, 2007 3:54:38 am PDT #495 of 513
I believe vampires are the world's greatest golfers

Let me check and see how those are going...

esse - Apr 29, 2007 3:04:22 am PDT #496 of 513
S to the A -- using they/them pronouns!

Hey, it's been a couple weeks--are we good for thread closing?

DCJensen - Apr 29, 2007 3:39:42 am PDT #497 of 513
All is well that ends in pizza.

I think the #500 goal is within reach, then.

Goodbye and Good Riddance 2006!

Kate P. - Apr 29, 2007 5:43:59 am PDT #498 of 513
That's the pain / That cuts a straight line down through the heart / We call it love

Well, Jon and I still haven't gotten our gifts. I mean, I'm okay with closing the thread if it bugs people to have it still hanging around, but don't we usually keep it open until everyone has been gifted?

On the other hand -- hmm, I'm not sure how to say this without sounding bitchy, but I don't mean it that way -- it could be a long time until we get our gifts, and it seems possible that we might never get them at all. (Which would make me a little sad, but, whatever.) And I know we don't want to keep the thread open forever. So, what do you all think?

Theodosia - Apr 29, 2007 5:50:10 am PDT #499 of 513
'we all walk this earth feeling we are frauds. The trick is to be grateful and hope the caper doesn't end any time soon"

I think you and Jon should tell me your color/yarn preferences, and I will knit you Consolation Scarves.

brenda m - Apr 29, 2007 5:50:55 am PDT #500 of 513
If you're going through hell/keep on going/don't slow down/keep your fear from showing/you might be gone/'fore the devil even knows you're there

I don't see the big deal with keeping it open.

Has there been contact with the errant Santas?