I'm just glad I've lucked into santees that I've known for years, and thus can at least make choices based on their general sensibilities even if I don't know specific items that they're fond of. I live in fear of the year that I draw the name of some new poster in the Music or Bitches threads I've never interacted with.
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2006: You're ON THE LIST!!!
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2006? Don't think we've forgotten about you.
Or your music library crashes just as you were finalizing the special CD mix project that you are convinced caps the gift that will finally put the gift accumulation into the Done territory.
I think this was the first year I had a giftee that I could tailor my prezzies for and have a shread of confidence that I did ok. I hope. In prior years, I just tried to find fun stuff, but it was more generic, I think.
If I say no, you didn't, will you try again, with new prezzies?
Also, SILLYHEAD. Of course you did great.
I've mostly had people I hadn't interacted with a lot, but it was fun getting to know someone else a little better, and I hope I didn't totally suck on my guesses. Thank goodness for Deena's fine work with the Buffista database, or I would have been toast.
I've drawn people that I didn't know well, but I thread sucked and cyber stalked them and the questionaires they filled out were very helpful. So far, they've seemed happy with the gifts.
still waiting...
::gives quester a big hug::
Hey, this is kinda nice.
::stays and hangs out with quester, shares chocolate through monitor::
So far, they've seemed happy with the gifts.
::hugs quester hard::
Happy? Over the moon! I use my incredibly awesome cigarette case every day, and adore it! All of the presents were wonderful.
::enjoys hugs and chocolate::
So glad you loved it AmyLiz!
Putting together presents with a particular person in mind is a special pleasure of mine. I like listening and picking up on little things all year and then finding stuff that relates to that special person. Nothing makes me happier than when I do this and they love it.
Hey, libkitty, I'm glad the package got to you! I had fun putting it together, once I finally had time to concentrate on it. As for the stamps, I really wanted to get you one with a firefly, but I couldn't find one anywhere I looked, so I finally settled on the penguin as an acceptable, Buffistariffic substitute. Glad you liked it!